Monday, November 15, 2010

Airport security

So in case you don't know, molestation in airports is now okay ... for "government officials" that is..... here's why.

Okay so maybe you're thinking I'm exaggerating a little here but I think not. Full body scans... or if you opt out... a highly physical pat down are now being done in many airports. If that makes you feel like you are being protected...... I'd hate to know what makes you feel threatened.

Our government has overstepped a boundary in air port security to the point that I wouldn't want my sisters or anyone that I care about to fly and honesty, I am worried about you if you don't have a problem with this or if you can simply overlook it. In most major airports and mostly likely coming to minor ones in the near future, full body scans are mandatory by random selection and done by a machine that basically makes you appear to have no cloths on.. enough said about that. If you want more information you can Google it. But if you opt out of the full body scan, they simply humiliate you and put you through and intensive pat down process which is very physically invasive not partial to gender.

And like I said... if you have been flying recently and have NOT been through this it is because they are not yet doing it to everyone. It is done to about 1 out of 20 people that fly.

 That said.... I have never been through it myself,  but I have been hearing my family talk a lot about stories that they've read. There are lots of sources and stories online about this. Please look into it. This  is important  and a huge invasion of privacy and its another thing that would be illegal for anyone but the government.  They are now treating everyone like a criminal? Why are we now guilty until proven innocent?  What is wrong here?

The Solution: Stop flying...  If everyone were to stop flying even for a few days the airport would feel it in a huge way! The only way to stop a messed up system is to stop supporting it... if you protest it and even pass laws against it yet still give it your money, you are enabling them to continue on with their corruption and you will accomplish nothing!

Sadly, I don't see that people have the guts to stand up against this. They will let it slide by like they have done everything else and let the government take away our liberties one by one....

Will you stand for what your think is right and just as importantly stand against what you think is wrong?




ElysseB said...

This makes me sick. Unfortunately, I've already experienced the full body scan, and I've been patted down to the point of it feeling like groping more than once...Of course, now, it's just being sanctioned. It is definitely time to take a stand...not just individuals, but also airline companies.

Anonymous said...

This is another immoral and reprobate act committed by government. We must resist this kind of invasion of our privacy, or we will wake up one day with no privacy at all - and deserve to be so.
Good thoughts, Jer.

Anonymous said...

Last time I flew they had one of these scanners at the major airport I passed through. However, I didn't know what it was. I thought it was just an updated and modernized metal detector. So, I just went through it like they told me to.


Won't be doing that again! At the time I kept wondering why they were telling me, "You have the right to refuse going through, but will receive an extremely thorough pat down".

I wondered to myself, "Why would I want that in place of a metal detector! I'll go through, thank you very much!"


Scary what the world is coming to!