I've been thinking a lot about "our purpose" and talking to friends and family about it and I was praying this morning and the scripture that came to mind was "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18
And that really hit me because I KNOW that I don't have a perfect love and that IS truly why I fear the things that I do. Fear is an awful thing.... In exception to the fear of God, it is all about us... and the more we dwell on it the worse it gets! If you are all focused on yourself: what people think about you, what you are going to eat, how you look, what people can do to you... and there's much more... but that is fear and if you are living in fear then you cannot truly love anyone... including yourself.
If we are truly loving how God says to love then we won't have any thoughts for ourself and our love for God and for people around us will hide if not complete dissipated that selfish fear and worry that we all naturally have.
'Love' ---
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Good thoughts Jer! Fear is so crippling.
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