Saturday, December 25, 2010

Should Christ really be in Christmas?

Alright...... so I decided the other day that I wasn't going to do a Christmas post... buuuut the more I thought about it and after watching this video that is embedded later in the this post. I decided I had to.  And I don't mean to offend anyone here because I know Christmas is very special to a lot people but I think this is an issue that really needs to be thought about. These are my thoughts over the last few weeks :)

Most Christians either are ignorant of these facts or they know them and don't want to think about it or they simply justify it in one way or another. The fact is... if Christ were here on earth, would he really take part in all these Christmas celebrations.... or would he even want his name put to holiday that today is mostly about greed and commercialism? I honestly don't think that he'd want anything to do with ANY of it.

Greed and commercialism are just some of the basics that we all know about and some of us take part in them and some don't. But what about December 25th...? the day that Christmas is celebrated on....... I'm going to make this date the focus of this post. It is the winter solstice and also was the biggest holiday of the year in pagan Rome and much of the traditions they practiced back then are still practiced now but in the name of Christ.. gift giving, tree, etc? How can our holy Saviour be honored by these traditions and how can he NOT be offended by the fact that we celebrate his birth on a day first dedicated to other heathen gods when in fact Dec 25th is not even the day of his birth.  Do you really believe that Christ would be okay with that? Christmas was even outlawed by our forefathers .  This short video talks some about that and Dec 25th. Its only a little over 3 min long and is definitely worth watching!

There are some other great short videos by the same guy!

So why do you celebrate Christmas? I know a lot of you will say that its all about Christ for you.. but really... is it?  When you look forward to Christmas do you look forward to celebrating our Saviors birth or do you look forward to the gifts, festivities, food? I think if most of you were honest with yourself, it wouldn't be about Christ!  But wait.... should it be? The Bible doesn't mention it or command us to celebrate it.... we actually know very little about His birth. So... you celebrate it to honor Him? Do you think that celebrating our holy, spotless, and perfect Saviors birth on a corrupted day could possibly be honoring to Him?  

Why December 25th?  I say if you want to celebrate a holiday on December 25.... being the day that the Romans dedicated to their god.. Leave Christ out of it, it is not in His Character to have ANYTHING to do with the worship and traditions of other gods and neither should it be in ours. Its comparable to taking a buddist holiday that you like celebrating and because you don't want to give it up.. you replace budda with Christ, saying that its all about Christ. I know most Christians don't do that intentionally but its how celebrating Christ birth on Dec 25th most likely started.  Christs birth was an amazing thing and worthy of more honor than that.  We should be celebrating his birth every day and in  a way that doesn't need decorations and festivities but through wholly honoring him with our hearts and in every thought and action.

Christmas is not the kind of holiness that our Saviour deserves... its is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike and that alone should be enough for us to see what it is really about... Soooo, thats all I have to say about it! Thanks so much for reading and please seek God about this and every area in your life because you must know in your heart what He thinks about it.

I'm not trying to condemn anyone for celebrating it at all. That is between you and God. This is simply what I feel like God has shown me and you shouldn't believe it unless YOU know it to be the truth. :)

This post is not up for debate! I'd love to hear any thoughts and comments you might have but I won't be  discussing this online.

Truth ... Worth dying for!


Joanna Grace said...

k, so I'm curious. . .Why no online comments?

Jeremy said...

No please do comment! I'd love to hear your thoughts! I just said I'm not going to debate it :)

Michael said...

Read this:

josiah hassen said...

I like it man!I have no problem with people just celebrating it as a american tradition and a time to be with family. But I don't like when people try to justify it by saying their celebrating the birth of Jesus.
We should be celebrating birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ all year long.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I have been pondering this also....

Joanna Grace said...

Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

Romans 14:6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.

Hmmm, it seems to me like God owns December 25th as he does every other day. . and I don't see why we should give it over to the devil. If it started as a heathen holiday, what's wrong with making it a Christian holiday?
I'm not completely up to speed on the origin of Christmas. . . but I've heard such things as we shouldn't wear wedding rings because they started as a hethinistic practice and also that the days of the week were named after heathen gods. To me it doesn't matter how it started: "To them that are pure, all things are pure." I'm glad someone came up with the brilliant idea to set aside December 25th as a day to celebrate Christ's birth and in our American modern society it is a Christian holiday. Probably the only time of year when you will hear "Away in a Manger" on a secular radio station or hear "Fall on Your Knees" sung on a TV. It's also a great witness opportunity.
As far as the greed.. .Christmas doesn't make you greedy. . . If Christmas brings out this trait, you probably already had it to start with.
My family didn't always celebrate Christmas, but since we've started, it's been an awesome time with God & family.
Hope this makes sense. I believe in truth, but I also believe when we stand before God, He isn't going to care if we celebrated Christmas or not, but where our hearts were.

Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near [me] with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men.

Sorry this is so long!

Anonymous said...

I find this very interesting and appreciate your posting this. I will honestly look into this and pray. For I would not want to do wrong.
I love to celebrate His birth, but was not aware that I was doing this in a wrong way. I have been sincere about it and kept it about Him.
Now I have a lot to ponder and discuss with my husband!

Thanks for doing a courageous thing in posting this for us to search.

I am getting tired of so much that is done in the name of Christ , but done wrong, so this is one more thing for me to pray about.

I am growing so much in the LORD that it is good to see anything God would be telling me to look straighten out in my Christian walk.

Benjamin said...

If you left Christ out of Christmas it would just be mas and that sounds wierd haha. I think Christmas can be useful to remind us of His birth and all the aspects of that. And that is worthy of celebration. Getting together with family and eating lots of food is a biblical method of celebration btw.

Leah Sargent said...

I totally agree Jeremy! And I thought my family was the only one on the planet that thought this way! Way to stick up for unpopular truth!

Just Sarah said...

If you take Christ out of Christmas you get "mas". The holiday was created by Catholics. We know from scripture that Christ died once for all (1 Peter 3:18) but Catholic mass is where you sacrifice Christ all over again several times a week throughout your lifetime.
It's unbiblical.