When Matt was very young, his parent introduced him to a family friend. Matt was excited because he had someone to play with; his parents were pleased because he could entertain Matt when they were busy.
As the years went by, Matt and his friend spent countless hours together playing video games, watching sports, music videos, and reality shows. In time, things changed.... his friend began to used profanity and was disrespectful toward his family. Although his mother and father disapproved, what could they do? His friend was like a family member now. He taught Matt how to dress, how to act, and even how to treat others. Although his parents wouldn't admit it, he tough them a thing or two as well.
Once Matt reached his teen years, his friends influence was obvious. Matt spent more time with him than with his family. Matt's dad a mom were always gone, so his friend taught him about life. He introduced Matt to alcohol, drugs, and pornography. He explained that sex before marriage wasn't a bad thing; everybody was doing it. Surprisingly, Matt's parents allowed his friend to continue to live in their home. After all, they enjoyed his company; he was a great entertainer.
When Matt grew older, he realized that the friendship should never have continued. He believe that his friend's influence encouraged his dad's affair, his mom's problem with alcohol, and eventually, their divorce; the impact of Matt's friend on him was just as devastating.
Today, with full knowledge of the damage done, Matt still allows his friend to live with him, and amazingly, he still listens to his advice.So if you don't know Matt's friend, you are probably thinking right now... why would Matt or his parents tolerate such evil and let it into their home to the point where it tears them down and effects them that way?
I'm going to say that most of us have a friend like that and allow ourselves the pleasure of being friends even when this 'friend' is the enemy of God and in opposition to His word and law. Matt's friends name was television.
Okay, so I know what you are thinking. "Not all movies are bad". I agree and I think some can even be edifying and beneficial. But I'm gonna talk a little bit about the other side... the kind of movies that are filled with and make humor of lies, sexual immorality, blasphemy, filthiness and things that are opposed to God... things that should not be once named among us. Yet we make them our friend.
Ephesians5:3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; 4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. 6. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 7 Be NOT ye therefore partakers with them
Movies today are literally filled with blasphemy. Mocking God, taking the Lords Name in vain and making humor of immorality... and yet... we still watch them... for fun, entertainment, to get away? Would you expose yourself to these things if it was in real life? Would you tolerate someone in your house blaspheming the name of God by using his name in vain, people committing fornication in front of you or talking about it even in a humorous way? I would hope not... but is watching it in a movie any different? Think about it.
Its just a movie and its not real so its okay to watch... You're wrong! Evil is evil and God is not tolerant of it.
The Bible has stories in it just as bad as anything we see on tv... 1. You aren't watching it. I think it would be inappropriate to make a movie of some of the stories in the Bible and 2. Evil in the Bible is always portrayed in the appropriate light and not as humorous or unimportant but as what it is. Evil
We as humans, we are very visual and everything we see, read or hear finds a place in our mind and whether we realize it or not, it affects our thinking. Ya know.. When I'm tired I like to relax my brain and watch a movie... its nice to turn your brain off, yeah? When you are watching a movie is when your brain should be more alert and ready to defend yourself than any other time. Movies are filled with hidden ideas and thoughts that sometimes we don't even see but they are the enemy's arrows and the they come from a master archer. Guard your heart!
Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
Thank you for allowing God to give you the courage to post this!
Your eyes are open, you are watching for breaches in your walls, you have your armor on!
You love people enough to share the Truth.
I agree. I grew up in a home where the t.v. was on every night from 3 pm til 9 or 10 pm Monday through Friday. And on weekends on even more. I was introduced to this friend at an early age, and yes, being that I am an old woman, of age 55, the shows were a bit somewhat better morally, but still satan knew how to slip it in gradually! And it DID come! Why even so called safe Westerns sooner or later ushered in more of the good guys( you know the ones with the white hats!) drinking, and prostitutes in the saloons! Or where do you think we got the good ole handsome Marlboro man that smoked and made it look tough and manly? T.V commercials! And some movies don't necessarily have the the filthy scenes but put in just enough for satan to take the imagination and run with it!
What many are accepting on T.V or in movies is so contradictory to their beliefs, or what they claim to be their good moral beliefs! They complain about what the public schools allow! They would NOT sit and listen to a pastor encourage social drinking, or dating unsaved men or women. They would not allow a Sunday School teacher read demonic stories to the kids! But they watch Harry Potter,and they watch movies where the family socially drinks, or it is acceptable to live with one before marriage.
Growing up watching T.V. affected my emotions, my thoughts, and contributed to my dreams for a future. Many live in a fantasy world now days, due to too much T.V.!
I grew to hate t.v., not so much because of the evil! But because it took most of my parents ,that I needed!
T.V. doesnt just affect young people! What parents see happening on these shows, causes them to think "who and what we see in real life aren't so bad, there is worse on t.v.!"
T.V. is probably the biggest danger of this day. And Music on radio, Ipods, etc. next.
I sometimes think modern technology is more of a curse!
I am thankful for the videos I have seen produced by people, such as the film makers contributing to the San Antonio Film Festival. But even with those, we need to agree to be accountable for all we watch! We should have a strong godly brother or sister in Christ to help us critic all movies! Many things are just not biblically correct even in so called "Christian movies"!
Folk need to grow up Spiritually!
Would they allow their child to be alone with a Known sex offender? Allow their child to play with meth? Would they allow their grandchild to play alone with a pit bull?
Hello! They allow worse! with T.V.! It destructs the thought patterns. T.V is like a hypnosis medium! It is satan's mind control device. YOU WATCH IT AND BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT YOU DO IT! and you never thought you would!
I know! I have been there! and even today, I fight this demon often! Family and friends want to watch it and think I am too worried over these matters! If only they would listen to someone who was a product of that environment until The LORD delivered me!
May we all pray for God to give us hearts and minds stayed on Him! Hearts that desire His Ways and hates evil. A friend of the world is an enemy to God.
AMEN Jeremy! I too love a good movie and a chance to "check out". I grew up with and without a tv in my house. There were times we did and times we didn't. I can remember times when we did not, I would be outside playing with my friends and about 7pm they would all disappear into their homes to sit for the next three hours in front of the tv.
For the first few years of my kid lives we had a tv and satellite and over 500 channels. As our out look on life changed we got rid of the satellite and then the tv. At first my kids thought they had "nothing to do" though they were only 4 and 2 barely! As time went by I saw their imagination blossom by leaps and bounds! Now they still enjoy the occasional movie night with our family, they happily play all day with their toys and imaginations.
Tv is a brain melting device. Great post man!
My thoughts?
I agree.
the end.
Good schtuff.
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