Saturday, December 25, 2010

Should Christ really be in Christmas?

Alright...... so I decided the other day that I wasn't going to do a Christmas post... buuuut the more I thought about it and after watching this video that is embedded later in the this post. I decided I had to.  And I don't mean to offend anyone here because I know Christmas is very special to a lot people but I think this is an issue that really needs to be thought about. These are my thoughts over the last few weeks :)

Most Christians either are ignorant of these facts or they know them and don't want to think about it or they simply justify it in one way or another. The fact is... if Christ were here on earth, would he really take part in all these Christmas celebrations.... or would he even want his name put to holiday that today is mostly about greed and commercialism? I honestly don't think that he'd want anything to do with ANY of it.

Greed and commercialism are just some of the basics that we all know about and some of us take part in them and some don't. But what about December 25th...? the day that Christmas is celebrated on....... I'm going to make this date the focus of this post. It is the winter solstice and also was the biggest holiday of the year in pagan Rome and much of the traditions they practiced back then are still practiced now but in the name of Christ.. gift giving, tree, etc? How can our holy Saviour be honored by these traditions and how can he NOT be offended by the fact that we celebrate his birth on a day first dedicated to other heathen gods when in fact Dec 25th is not even the day of his birth.  Do you really believe that Christ would be okay with that? Christmas was even outlawed by our forefathers .  This short video talks some about that and Dec 25th. Its only a little over 3 min long and is definitely worth watching!

There are some other great short videos by the same guy!

So why do you celebrate Christmas? I know a lot of you will say that its all about Christ for you.. but really... is it?  When you look forward to Christmas do you look forward to celebrating our Saviors birth or do you look forward to the gifts, festivities, food? I think if most of you were honest with yourself, it wouldn't be about Christ!  But wait.... should it be? The Bible doesn't mention it or command us to celebrate it.... we actually know very little about His birth. So... you celebrate it to honor Him? Do you think that celebrating our holy, spotless, and perfect Saviors birth on a corrupted day could possibly be honoring to Him?  

Why December 25th?  I say if you want to celebrate a holiday on December 25.... being the day that the Romans dedicated to their god.. Leave Christ out of it, it is not in His Character to have ANYTHING to do with the worship and traditions of other gods and neither should it be in ours. Its comparable to taking a buddist holiday that you like celebrating and because you don't want to give it up.. you replace budda with Christ, saying that its all about Christ. I know most Christians don't do that intentionally but its how celebrating Christ birth on Dec 25th most likely started.  Christs birth was an amazing thing and worthy of more honor than that.  We should be celebrating his birth every day and in  a way that doesn't need decorations and festivities but through wholly honoring him with our hearts and in every thought and action.

Christmas is not the kind of holiness that our Saviour deserves... its is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike and that alone should be enough for us to see what it is really about... Soooo, thats all I have to say about it! Thanks so much for reading and please seek God about this and every area in your life because you must know in your heart what He thinks about it.

I'm not trying to condemn anyone for celebrating it at all. That is between you and God. This is simply what I feel like God has shown me and you shouldn't believe it unless YOU know it to be the truth. :)

This post is not up for debate! I'd love to hear any thoughts and comments you might have but I won't be  discussing this online.

Truth ... Worth dying for!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Our Friend, Gods Enemy

I read this a long time ago in an email forward and just recently I heard someone in my family sharing this story out of a 'Home Schcool Digest'. It goes right along with something I've been thinking and wondering about that I think is a huge stumbling block for Christians today.
When Matt was very young, his parent introduced him to a family friend. Matt was excited because he had someone to play with; his parents were pleased because he could entertain Matt when they were busy.
As the years went by, Matt and his friend spent countless hours together playing video games, watching sports, music videos, and reality shows. In time, things changed.... his friend began to used profanity and was disrespectful toward his family. Although his mother and father disapproved, what could they do?  His friend was like a family member now. He taught Matt how to dress, how to act, and even how to treat others. Although his parents wouldn't admit it, he tough them a thing or two as well.
Once Matt reached his teen years, his friends influence was obvious. Matt spent more time with him than with his family. Matt's dad a mom were always gone, so his friend taught him about life. He introduced Matt to alcohol, drugs, and pornography. He explained that sex before marriage wasn't a bad thing; everybody was doing it. Surprisingly, Matt's parents allowed his friend to continue to live in their home. After all, they enjoyed his company;  he was a great entertainer. 
When Matt grew older, he realized that the friendship should never have continued. He believe that his friend's influence encouraged his dad's affair, his mom's problem with alcohol, and eventually, their divorce; the impact of Matt's friend on him was just as devastating.
Today, with full knowledge of the damage done, Matt still allows his friend to live with him, and amazingly, he still listens to his advice. 
So if you don't know Matt's friend, you are probably thinking right now... why would Matt or his parents tolerate such evil and let it into their home to the point where it tears them down and effects them that way?

I'm going to say that most of us have a friend like that and allow ourselves the pleasure of being friends even when this  'friend' is the enemy of God and in opposition to His word and law. Matt's friends name was television. 

Okay, so I know what you are thinking. "Not all movies are bad". I agree and I think some can even be edifying and beneficial. But I'm gonna talk a little bit about the other side... the kind of movies that are filled with and make humor of lies, sexual immorality, blasphemy, filthiness  and things that are opposed to God... things that should not be once named among us. Yet we make them our friend.

 Ephesians5:3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; 4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. 6. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 7 Be NOT ye therefore partakers with them

Movies today are literally filled with blasphemy. Mocking God, taking the Lords Name in vain and making humor of immorality... and yet... we still watch them... for fun, entertainment, to get away? Would you expose yourself to these things if it was in real life? Would you tolerate someone in your house blaspheming the name of God by using his name in vain, people committing fornication in front of you or talking about it even in a humorous way? I would hope not... but is watching it in a movie any different?  Think about it.

Its just a movie and its not real so its okay to watch... You're wrong! Evil is evil and God is not tolerant of it.

The Bible has stories in it just as bad as anything we see on tv...  1. You aren't watching it. I think it would be inappropriate to make a movie of some of the stories in the Bible and 2. Evil in the Bible is always portrayed in the appropriate light and not as humorous or unimportant but as what it is. Evil  

We as humans, we are very visual and everything we see, read or hear finds a place in our mind and whether we realize it or not, it affects our thinking.  Ya know.. When I'm tired I like to relax my brain and watch a movie... its nice to turn your brain off, yeah? When you are watching a movie is when your brain should be more alert and ready to defend yourself than any other time. Movies are filled with hidden ideas and thoughts that sometimes we don't even see but they are the enemy's arrows and the they come from a master archer. Guard your heart!

Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Distance and Relationships

Alright.. continuing on from my last post here.... I ended it talking about how social networking sites work and how it affects friendships or non-friendships or whatever you want to call them. Anyways.....

"Relationships" Okay! NOW we're getting deep. :)  "Online" relationships... and yes I mean the kind that are looking to be more than friends. BAD idea.... period!  The concept of online dating is asking for hurt. I would warn ANYONE away from that or even trying to get to know someone online because a lot of online communication between a guy and girl before meeting can and will result in feelings for each other and can cause a lot of hurt and pain later on... so just don't do it! And actually I'm going to step out and say that "long distance" relationships are a really bad idea also. 

Any sort of long distance relationship is very complicated and must be handled with extreme care. For me I have decided to simply not do it, mostly for the following reason...... It allows feelings to develop between a guy and girl without either family being involved. This is a problem right away. You really do want the family to like you... A relationship cannot be blessed by God unless both parents approve and bless it themselves. The 5th commandment is honor your father and mother and if this commandment is not followed in a relationship there will be problems. Sadly I've seen it proven over and over again. If the parents don't approve then wait until they do... because if it is truly Gods will, he will work things out because he is always the same and is very consistent. The 5th commandment doesn't say to honor your parents sometimes.... it means ALL the time. So, that said...  if you are really wanting to please God in a relationship, get to know the family personally before or while you get the know the girl/guy. It will prevent a lot of hurt and confusion. And yes, I know.... this means excluding long distance relationships but it wasn't meant to be any other way. I think distance was meant to be a gap that physically  separated people in different communities  from each other and that gap has been broken and the more I think about it the more I wish that it was still there.

This next part is mostly for guys but you girls are welcome to read it too! Before ANY of you do read it though I want you to go read this post by Candle No Boys Allowed, if you haven't already. Its very well written and gives a little inside on how girls think and a lot of it applies to guys too!

You should be reading Candles post here ... :)

Don't skip it... go read it! I mean it.. Its well worth it! :P

Okay so hopefully you read Candles post .... So guys! Every Girl you meet wants to marry you, Okay?  Totally kidding there, but seriously to a certain extent you need to treat them like they do and if you don't want to marry them or you aren't sure, its YOUR job to protect their heart and to keep them pure.  Seriously! As a guy, I kinda know... we are clueless but not nearly as bad as we are made out to be. If you see that a girl is liking you as more than just a friend, and I promise you will know if you really care,  and you aren't sure about it and you want to keep being friends and nothing more, there is really only one way to keep it from being nothing more..... cut back. Stop talking so much...  And I know from experience that it won't be a happy time for either of you, but it is the only way that you can keep being friends without someone getting hurt. And I'm not saying that you have to stop talking completely but I do think that a break from talking to someone that you're talking to and thinking about all the time will allow your mind to recover and you will be able to think more clearly about things from the right perspective. Love is very blinding and there IS such a thing as counterfeit love. Search your heart and make sure it is lined up with God and that you are doing what His will is for you and not what your will is for you.

Okay, so that said.... These are just my thoughts on the issue. I'm not saying that I have all the answers but my main point is.. Guys don't underestimate a girls feelings and be sure that you are protecting her for her future spouse... treat her like you would want your future wife to be treated by another guy!

'Know God' ----

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Distance - The lost dimension

Okay so I've been thinking a lot lately about relationships and the complications that arise in this day and age. And so that got me thinking about the main factor that affects the way we live now and what makes now different from any other time in history.

Distance - wow! what has happened to the concept of distance?
It now takes just less than 3 days to complete a flight around the world... less than 100 years ago it took months. This world is rapidly shrinking... we are tiny sphere floating around in space ever growing smaller as man is making discovery's into deep space and has developed technology that makes communication with someone half way around the world as easy as clicking a few buttons.

So just to put this onto perspective and how recently the concept of distance has shrunk..... Say this world is just over 6000 yrs old.... its a rough guess... Now lets think back a mere 5% of that(300 yrs). The fastest form of travel on land was a horse and it had been that way for 5,700 years..... thats a LONG time...  Most people never made it out the their county, much less their state or country! People were happy living in one place for their whole life. It was a HUGE world.. so what has happened?

Technology via car and airplane has made traveling to a different state or even all the way  across the continent a day trip....  so yes that is very different from 300 years ago and that type of technology is a huge factor. But I think the biggest factor that affects us today is the change in the way that we communicate, which has only happened in the last 20-30 years. The internet and the use of personal cell phones was the huge step that made distance and the fact that this world IS actually very large an idea of the past.

So how does all this complicate relationships?  I'll start at what I think is the root of this problem. Its not cell phones, text-messaging, email, or even online chat... its the development of an idea that has been around for maybe 10 or less years....... Its called social networking. *drum roll*
Yes I believe that this is the beginning of the complications that have appeared in online communication.  I honestly believe that cell phones, text-messaging, email, and online chat are really great technology and have really good uses and so does social networking... BUT social networking has a side that has created a huge problem.

How can social networking be bad? Honestly, as most of you know I am on Facebook, Twitter,  and Buzz and I think they are great! The biggest problem I see with sites like facebook is the ability to meet and get to know someone without ever shaking their hand or actually talking to them face to face.

What is a friend... I mean really? Are all those people on your friend list that you haven't met REALLY your friends? Okay so in my opinion... no matter how much you txt, message, chat, phone, or even video chat with someone you can't really call them a true friend until you have met them. I think a true friend is someone that likes you for who you are and likes your personality and the way you talk and walk and act around people and that is absolutely impossible to know without spending time with them in person. People can be and are VERY different online!

So yes that is a problem but its sorta leading up to the biggest problem and the biggest question that a lot of us face.... On a deeper than friends level how does an online long distance relationship work and why is it so hard?  .... or does it work? 

But thats all for tonight.... I have already started my next post and it will be titled "Distance and Relationships" I think you will all want to read it!  Follow me or check back within the next few days... I'm going to try to post soon! :)

Thanks and Goodnight!

Writing late again.... hope there aren't too many mistakes  :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life is harrrrd ....

Okay so I went climbing today and I actually learned something from it! :) I learned that I am a complete wimp when it comes to 'life' and I have practically no will power. So let me explain...

I was about 40 ft off the ground on a pretty decent climb(5.9 .. .for those of you who know)  on  a rope of course. It wasn't too hard but I had done a few before it and I was definitely feeling it. Sooooo, I was having to make a traverse, which in this case meant swinging from one hand so I could get my foot over on another hold that I couldn't quite reach and grabbing another hold with the other hand.. Anyways, I was up there on the wall testing that hold I had to swing on. My arm and basically everything in me was saying YOU CAN'T do it.. and I felt like I had no grip all... like if I grabbed that hold my hand would just slip off. BUT I decided to go ahead and try it because it was do that or fail the climb, which would mean starting over to technically complete it.. So, even though every thing it me said: nope the climb is over ... I focused, took the jump and just went for it..... And GUESS WHAT?  I had no problem at all.
Okay it was a little hard but my arm held me there just fine and I didn't put weight on the rope..... I kinda surprised myself..... and so that got me thinking later tonight.

How did I do that? Why did I think I couldn't? I decided that physically we a capable of MUCH more than we think.... and when our mind tells us it is over... we really have only just begun.

How often do we get to a point in life where things are just too hard and God has given us too much and we CAN'T take it anymore and we are asking God... why? It happens... for me anyways. Its tiring to be at that point and the longer you dwell on it the more tired and fearful you'll get, until there is nothing left and you fall.

So my point is... We make life hard on ourselves. When we are complaining or afraid  about challenges that we are facing...  it is because we don't believe in God and because we aren't sure that He is a strong as He is. We are  complete wimps in that way and if we don't step out in faith and a little courage and  believe that God will follow through and that He will strengthen us. Then we will keep standing there and just waiting for the things around us to change to make our position easier.... Ya know what? They aren't gonna.... mostly because all us humans are very much alike in this way.... we are pathetic unmotivated wimps without God. We need to block out the part of us that tells us we can't and not just make our selves think we can but make our selves DO IT! :) I think that "ourself" is our biggest obstacle!

Anyways.... I really hope that all made sense. I'm pretty tired tonight but I had to write this down while I was thinking about it! :)

'Press on'------

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why do you fear?

I've been thinking a lot about "our purpose" and talking to friends and family about it and I was praying this morning and the scripture that came to mind was "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

And that really hit me because I KNOW that I don't have a perfect love and that IS truly why I fear the things that I do. Fear is an awful thing.... In exception to the fear of God, it is all about us... and the more we dwell on it the worse it gets! If you are all focused on yourself: what people think about you, what you are going to eat, how you look, what people can do to you... and there's much more... but that is fear and if you are living in fear then you cannot truly love anyone... including yourself.

If we are truly  loving how God says to love then we won't have any thoughts for ourself and our love for God and for people around us will hide if not complete dissipated that selfish fear and worry that we all naturally have.

'Love' ---

Feel free to share! :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Airport security

So in case you don't know, molestation in airports is now okay ... for "government officials" that is..... here's why.

Okay so maybe you're thinking I'm exaggerating a little here but I think not. Full body scans... or if you opt out... a highly physical pat down are now being done in many airports. If that makes you feel like you are being protected...... I'd hate to know what makes you feel threatened.

Our government has overstepped a boundary in air port security to the point that I wouldn't want my sisters or anyone that I care about to fly and honesty, I am worried about you if you don't have a problem with this or if you can simply overlook it. In most major airports and mostly likely coming to minor ones in the near future, full body scans are mandatory by random selection and done by a machine that basically makes you appear to have no cloths on.. enough said about that. If you want more information you can Google it. But if you opt out of the full body scan, they simply humiliate you and put you through and intensive pat down process which is very physically invasive not partial to gender.

And like I said... if you have been flying recently and have NOT been through this it is because they are not yet doing it to everyone. It is done to about 1 out of 20 people that fly.

 That said.... I have never been through it myself,  but I have been hearing my family talk a lot about stories that they've read. There are lots of sources and stories online about this. Please look into it. This  is important  and a huge invasion of privacy and its another thing that would be illegal for anyone but the government.  They are now treating everyone like a criminal? Why are we now guilty until proven innocent?  What is wrong here?

The Solution: Stop flying...  If everyone were to stop flying even for a few days the airport would feel it in a huge way! The only way to stop a messed up system is to stop supporting it... if you protest it and even pass laws against it yet still give it your money, you are enabling them to continue on with their corruption and you will accomplish nothing!

Sadly, I don't see that people have the guts to stand up against this. They will let it slide by like they have done everything else and let the government take away our liberties one by one....

Will you stand for what your think is right and just as importantly stand against what you think is wrong?



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Why so many questions?

God knows exactly what we need.... What he has planned for us could be beyond our ability to imagine! So lets trust and open our minds. Not to the world and its boxed in perspective of what it thinks to be real and good and not ourselves and what we think we want or need...  but to God and His limitless possibilities and that He  can put us in a place that our little  brains cannot possibly imagine!

So much of our problems and what we call trials are caused by us!  By fear that our lives will go to waste, that we will not accomplish our purpose, we aren't doing enough to accomplish our dreams and goals.... our real fear should be that God might turn us over to our own will.. and in that case we embark on a dangerous path that can end in nothing but failure. This seems to be the story of man kind. Every time we try to take something in to our own hands it turns to dust. 

So lets trust in our limitless, all powerful, all knowing  God and try to wrap our minds around what that means. If we try to limit Him it can only result in our own failure because our God Yahweh cannot be changed or limited by His creation. He IS and only in Him can we find true peace and happiness! :)

'Focus' -----

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hello World!

Okay so this my first post but its not important in the slightest. The rest of them should be very different ... there are NO profound thoughts here.... well besides the url to this blog :) Its actually very profound...

Happy thinking!