Saturday, May 26, 2012

A rant about myself

This is not only a rant about myself but about Christians in general. But when I say Christians I also include myself. I know I am guilty of everything below if not more.

First: Just need to get one fact strait....
Christ is perfect and no immorality no matter how minor is acceptable.
If we agree on that then the rest should make sense. If not.. Please read the Bible

Christians are some of the most shallow, fake, insincere people that exist today. It is completely disappointing and there remains no expectation of morality. They have became so close to resembling and acting like and embracing the secular world that it is hard to tell the difference.

Fake -  Christian are incredibly good at lying and making excuses for everything that we find pleasure in. We are masters at justifying and condoning the support of evil without acknowledging that we helped create it and that we make it thrive.

Shallow We are scared to get any deeper than "God is love and forgiveness". And yes that is important but God is MUCH more than that. He is perfect and if he lived among us today I think we would find that he would disapprove of a lot of the way that our time is spent.

Insincere Every Christian would say that they try their hardest to be like Christ.
 Really? Think of a movie that you watched in the past week. Would Christ sit there and watch it with you? Would he simply sit through the sexial innuendoes, swearing and taking Gods name in vain, and the dirty pathetic humor? Would He aprove of the music that you're listening to? What about what you are wearing?  I think that he would disapprove of most of our actions and appearances. We go to church on Sunday and Wednesday and pretend that we love and respect him but is that possible when we are living the way we are? We don't just allow ourselves to be exposed to things that he has called evil but purposefully watch and listen to it! Why???? Because we are lazy and comfortable.

This is a call to Christians to not just accept the worlds idea of what Christ would think and do but act upon what HE really would do! It is so easy to brush it off and say that we will do it later or we don't know what he would do but that is just another lame excuse. Christ is perfect and since we aren't capable of being perfect we must get as close as we possibly can instead of settling for some pathetic half hearted attempt.

 Christ wants us to live for Him and like Him NOW because we can and it is easy if we truly love Him.

We must live like there wont be a tomorrow because that fact becomes more and more possible each second. THERE REALLY MIGHT NOT BE A TOMORROW!